Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Aunt Mary

First off I do have a Aunt Mary and she is very close to me. So she will be the one I'm writing to.

Dear, Aunt Mary

I am glad you have become intrested in Social Networking. Social Networking is when people communticate over the internet. Some of the sites used for social networking are Facebook and Myspace, so when you say Myface there really are two different sites and your just combining the names. When were talking about Myspace alot of different age groups use it. Their site has layouts which are backgrounds for your page. Then it has top friends and you can even put your favorite songs on your page. Myspace was orginally used for bands but it has changed. Facebook is more for High school and college students to communicate with one another. Facebook has a wall and thats where you leave your comments and Myspace has a comment part on their site. I would have to refer you to Myspace you would like it more and find more friends on their. I would be glad to help you set your page up and you can add me to your friends. We can also make you a Facebook both are fun and anyone can use them. On both sites you can upload pictures and you can comment on other peoples pictures. But of course I will help you. I hope my explanation has helped you decide if you want a Myspace or Facebook and I hope it helped you understand social networking.

Love ,
Your Niece Heather

Monday, November 10, 2008

Speedy Gonzales

The first thing I want to say is "wow".The are controversies over the little stuff and things that are actually pointless. The one that caught my attention was the one about Speedy Gonzales. A simple cartoon character can cause a dissusion. It was kind of intersting how his last name was such a big deal. In the article they say that his name is spelled wrong. They say the way that they spell is name now is portuguese, and that it should be spelled the Mexican way. They also go on to argue about his accent, whether it is streotypic or not. When it comes to changing the article content I think it's fine the way it is. When it comes to reliability on wiki it does affect anything because when anyone can edit something there is bound to be a controversy.


One of the main concerns people have today with television is that it's harmful. In my household it wasn't a big deal. We never really had any type of restrictions when it came to tv. When we my sister and I were really small my parents just tried to keep us away from graphic stuff. We used it for educational reasons also. A lot of people think it's harmful because of what people watch on the tv, and how it might make you think about something. When it came to our tv we knew what wasn't the ideal thing to watch. When it comes down to my views about tv it can be harmful, but it just depends on the type of person you are. I can watch a graphic, violent movie and be fine but someone else may try to copy something from televison. Also it hurts your brain. There is no thinking in watching tv. I think there should be restrictions when it comes to tv. It should depend on age groups. In all reality tv to me is what you make of it. It can be educational or harmful. It all depends on you.