Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kiska’s Presentation

I felt that Kiska's presentation was good. He actually grabbed my intrest when it comes to political blogs. When I took a look at the different blogs I was kind of confused but after looking over them I ended up likeing americablog.com the best. It was the most intresting and taught me things I didn't know about the campain. Now of course I don't know how true it is, but its belivable in my eyes. The blog agreed with my point of view about this election. There was one about McCain's temper that made me laugh, and I liked how they used pictures to compare what they were talking about in the blog. That also helped me understand what they were talking about or made it funny. There were also videos which can make it intresting depending on what they're talking about. Overall I liked the presentation and I now my intreset for political blogs have gone up.


john30 said...

This is very true Heather. I also feel that Mr. Kiska really did a great job of explaining blogs and the whole blogesphere.

Jordynn said...

I agree with you and John. Mr. Kiska made me think differently about blogs. Now I will probably read them more often.

Paige said...

Ha i bet you watch the video's instead of reading :]
it's ok i would do it too.

Steven said...

I agree with what you said. He really did help us out on learning about blogs. He also had a lot to show us about political blogs. Study for that test tomorrow!

Phresh Cody said...

We are in agreement when it comes to the presentation. Kiska made political blogs and blogs in general, which are boring most of the time, interesting. I think it was because he was so into it. :)

Eric Ely said...

I agree with everything besides the thing about McCain's temper. I believe he has a controlled temper due to the fact that he is a Republican.

megan said...

Americanblog.com, was also one of my favorite blogs to follow. It was very informative, and it grabbed my attention right away.

cchiches said...

I agree. Americablog.com is a well presented blogsphere. It is also extremely informative.